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Off-chain Reporting Jobs

OCR jobs (off-chain reporting jobs) are used very similarly to Flux Monitor jobs. They update data feeds with aggregated data from many Chainlink oracle nodes. However, they do this aggregation using a cryptographically-secure off-chain protocol that makes it possible for only a single node to submit all answers from all participating nodes during each round (with proofs that the other nodes’ answers were legitimately provided by those nodes), which saves a significant amount of gas.

Off-chain reporting jobs require the FEATURE_OFFCHAIN_REPORTING=true environment variable.

Bootstrap node

Every OCR cluster requires at least one bootstrap node as a kind of “rallying point” that enables the other nodes to find one another. Bootstrap nodes do not participate in the aggregation protocol and do not submit answers to the feed.

Spec format

type               = "offchainreporting"
schemaVersion      = 1
evmChainID         = 1
contractAddress    = "0x27548a32b9aD5D64c5945EaE9Da5337bc3169D15"
p2pBootstrapPeers  = [
isBootstrapPeer = true
externalJobID   = "0EEC7E1D-D0D2-476C-A1A8-72DFB6633F05"

Shared fields See shared fields.

Unique fields

  • contractAddress: The address of the OffchainReportingAggregator contract.
  • evmChainID: The chain ID of the EVM chain in which the job will operate.
  • p2pBootstrapPeers: A list of libp2p dial addresses of the other bootstrap nodes helping oracle nodes find one another on the network. It is used with P2P networking stack V1 as follows: p2pBootstrapPeers = [ "/dns4/<host name or ip>/tcp/<port>/p2p/<bootstrap node's P2P ID>" ]
  • p2pv2Boostrappers: A list of libp2p dial addresses of the other bootstrap nodes helping oracle nodes find one another on the network. It is used with P2P networking stack V2 as follows: p2pv2Boostrappers = [ "<bootstrap node's P2P ID>@<host name or ip>:<port>" ]
  • isBootstrapPeer: This must be set to true.

Job type specific pipeline variables

  • $(jobSpec.databaseID): The ID of the job spec in the local database. You shouldn’t need this in 99% of cases.
  • $(jobSpec.externalJobID): The globally-unique job ID for this job. Used to coordinate between node operators in certain cases.
  • $( The local name of the job.
  • $(jobRun.meta): A map of metadata that can be sent to a bridge, etc.

Oracle node

Oracle nodes, on the other hand, are responsible for submitting answers.

Spec format

type               = "offchainreporting"
schemaVersion      = 1
evmChainID         = 1
name               = "OCR: ETH/USD"
contractAddress    = "0x613a38AC1659769640aaE063C651F48E0250454C"
externalJobID      = "0EEC7E1D-D0D2-476C-A1A8-72DFB6633F06"
p2pPeerID          = "12D3KooWApUJaQB2saFjyEUfq6BmysnsSnhLnY5CF9tURYVKgoXK"
p2pBootstrapPeers  = [
isBootstrapPeer    = false
keyBundleID        = "7f993fb701b3410b1f6e8d4d93a7462754d24609b9b31a4fe64a0cb475a4d934"
monitoringEndpoint = ""
transmitterAddress = "0xF67D0290337bca0847005C7ffD1BC75BA9AAE6e4"
observationTimeout = "10s"
blockchainTimeout  = "20s"
contractConfigTrackerSubscribeInterval = "2m"
contractConfigTrackerPollInterval = "1m"
contractConfigConfirmations = 3
observationSource = """
    // data source 1
    ds1          [type="bridge" name=eth_usd]
    ds1_parse    [type="jsonparse" path="one,two"]
    ds1_multiply [type="multiply" times=100]

    // data source 2
    ds2          [type="http" method=GET url=""
                  requestData="{\\"hi\\": \\"hello\\"}"]
    ds2_parse    [type="jsonparse" path="three,four"]
    ds2_multiply [type="multiply" times=100]

    ds1 -> ds1_parse -> ds1_multiply -> answer
    ds2 -> ds2_parse -> ds2_multiply -> answer

    answer [type=median]

Shared fields See shared fields.

Unique fields

  • contractAddress: The address of the OffchainReportingAggregator contract.
  • evmChainID: The chain ID of the EVM chain in which the job will operate.
  • p2pPeerID: The base58-encoded libp2p public key of this node.
  • p2pBootstrapPeers: A list of libp2p dial addresses of the other bootstrap nodes helping oracle nodes find one another on the network. It is used with P2P networking stack V1 as follows: p2pBootstrapPeers = [ "/dns4/<host name or ip>/tcp/<port>/p2p/<bootstrap node's P2P ID>" ]
  • p2pv2Boostrappers: A list of libp2p dial addresses of the other bootstrap nodes helping oracle nodes find one another on the network. It is used with P2P networking stack V2 as follows: p2pv2Boostrappers = [ "<bootstrap node's P2P ID>@<host name or ip>:<port>" ]
  • keyBundleID: The hash of the OCR key bundle to be used by this node. The Chainlink node keystore manages these key bundles. Use the node Key Management UI or the chainlink keys ocr sub-commands in the CLI to create and manage key bundles.
  • monitoringEndpoint: The URL of the telemetry endpoint to send OCR metrics to.
  • transmitterAddress: The Ethereum address from which to send aggregated submissions to the OCR contract.
  • observationTimeout: The maximum duration to wait before an off-chain request for data is considered to be failed/unfulfillable.
  • blockchainTimeout: The maximum duration to wait before an on-chain request for data is considered to be failed/unfulfillable.
  • contractConfigTrackerSubscribeInterval: The interval at which to retry subscribing to on-chain config changes if a subscription has not yet successfully been made.
  • contractConfigTrackerPollInterval: The interval at which to proactively poll the on-chain config for changes.
  • contractConfigConfirmations: The number of blocks to wait after an on-chain config change before considering it worthy of acting upon.

Job type specific pipeline variables

  • $(jobSpec.databaseID): The ID of the job spec in the local database. You shouldn’t need this in 99% of cases.
  • $(jobSpec.externalJobID): The globally-unique job ID for this job. Used to coordinate between node operators in certain cases.
  • $( The local name of the job.
  • $(jobRun.meta): A map of metadata that can be sent to a bridge, etc.

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