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Direct Request Jobs

Executes a job upon receipt of an explicit request made by a user. The request is detected via a log emitted by an Oracle or Operator contract. This is similar to the legacy ethlog/runlog style of jobs.

Spec format

type                = "directrequest"
schemaVersion       = 1
evmChainID          = 1
name                = "example eth request event spec"
contractAddress     = "0x613a38AC1659769640aaE063C651F48E0250454C"

# Optional fields:
# requesters        = [
#   "0xaaaa1F8ee20f5565510B84f9353F1E333E753B7a",
#   "0xbbbb70F0e81C6F3430dfdC9fa02fB22BdD818C4e"
# ]
# minContractPaymentLinkJuels = "100000000000000"
# externalJobID = "0EEC7E1D-D0D2-476C-A1A8-72DFB6633F02"
# minIncomingConfirmations = 10

observationSource   = """
    ds          [type="http" method=GET url=""]
    ds_parse    [type="jsonparse" path="USD"]
    ds_multiply [type="multiply" times=100]

    ds -> ds_parse -> ds_multiply

Shared fields

See shared fields.

Unique fields

  • contractAddress: The Oracle or Operator contract to monitor for requests
  • requesters: Optional - Allows whitelisting requesters
  • minContractPaymentLinkJuels Optional - Allows you to specify a job-specific minimum contract payment
  • minIncomingConfirmations Optional - Allows you to specify a job-specific MIN_INCOMING_CONFIRMATIONS value, must be greater than global MIN_INCOMING_CONFIRMATIONS

Job type specific pipeline variables

  • $(jobSpec.databaseID): the ID of the job spec in the local database. You shouldn’t need this in 99% of cases.
  • $(jobSpec.externalJobID): the globally-unique job ID for this job. Used to coordinate between node operators in certain cases.
  • $( the local name of the job.
  • $(jobRun.meta): a map of metadata that can be sent to a bridge, etc.
  • $(jobRun.logBlockHash): the block hash in which the initiating log was received.
  • $(jobRun.logBlockNumber): the block number in which the initiating log was received.
  • $(jobRun.logTxHash): the transaction hash that generated the initiating log.
  • $(jobRun.logAddress): the address of the contract to which the initiating transaction was sent.
  • $(jobRun.logTopics): the log’s topics (indexed fields).
  • $(jobRun.logData): the log’s data (non-indexed fields).
  • $(jobRun.blockReceiptsRoot) : the root of the receipts trie of the block (hash).
  • $(jobRun.blockTransactionsRoot) : the root of the transaction trie of the block (hash).
  • $(jobRun.blockStateRoot) : the root of the final state trie of the block (hash).


Get > Uint256 Job

Let’s assume that a user makes a request to an oracle to call a public API, retrieve a number from the response, remove any decimals and return uint256.

  • The smart contract example can be found here.
  • The job spec example can be found here.

Get > Int256 Job

Let’s assume that a user makes a request to an oracle to call a public API, retrieve a number from the response, remove any decimals and return int256.

  • The job spec example can be found here.

Get > Bool Job

Let’s assume that a user makes a request to an oracle to call a public API, retrieve a boolean from the response and return bool.

  • The job spec example can be found here.

Get > String Job

Let’s assume that a user makes a request to an oracle and would like to fetch a string from the response.

  • The smart contract example can be found here.
  • The job spec example can be found here.

Get > Bytes Job

Let’s assume that a user makes a request to an oracle and would like to fetch bytes from the response (meaning a response that contains an arbitrary-length raw byte data).

  • The smart contract example can be found here.
  • The job spec example can be found here.

Multi-Word Job

Let’s assume that a user makes a request to an oracle and would like to fetch multiple words in one single request.

  • The smart contract example can be found here.
  • The job spec example can be found here.

Existing Job

Using an existing Oracle Job makes your smart contract code more succinct. Let’s assume that a user makes a request to an oracle that leverages Etherscan External Adapter to retrieve the gas price.

  • The smart contract example can be found here.
  • The job spec example can be found here.

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